New home care packages released and an easier to understand fee structure
Hopefully good news if you are still waiting on your package
Have you received your package yet?
In February 2019, the Government announced the release of an additional 10,000 home care packages across all levels. Packages are being released from 12 February 2019 until 30 June 2020.
These are in addition to the 5,000 level 3 and 5,000 level 4 packages announced in December 2018, which are being released through to 30 June 2019.
And a reduction in the basic daily fees will be in place from 1 July 2019, with the maximum basic daily fees for home care reduced by:
• $400 for level 1
• $200 for level 2
• $100 for level 3
What are your options while waiting for your package?
Home Care pricing and fees to be made easier to understand from April 2019
Concerns and complaints on the lack of transparency and comparability in home care pricing information, as well as the high administration prices being charged by some providers has finally lead to a reform.
From April 2019, Home care providers will need to publish their pricing information in a new, standardised home care pricing Schedule (the Schedule) on the My Aged Care Service Finder.
This will be mandatory from 1 July 2019. There will also be changes to the way administration costs can be charged.
The Schedule will provide information on the most common services and costs under a home care package, to better help Australians understand and compare home care pricing.
The department will also put in place steps to ensure compliance by providers.