The Coming Back Out Ball

Coming back out by popular demand! The Coming Back Out Ball also returned in 2018. It was a celebration of elders of the LGBTI community.

The inaugural ball sort to significantly raise awareness for LGBTI elders, some of who are coming out for the first time, others are coming ‘back out’ after a period of isolation in aged care. The event is colourful, not in the literal sense but yes, of course, there are rainbows. It’s the diversity of the production committee and attending community who pull the show together that give rise to limitless vibrancy and connection. There of course is dancing.
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Tristan Meecham is the artistic director of All the Queens Men, the company at the helm of The Coming Back Out Ball. The company is dedicated to validating marginalised communities within our society through performance and events. Tristan was a recipient of an arts grant with London-based performance company, Duckie, where he developed his art practice to include event production that focussed on lifting marginalised social groups into visible spaces, where life could be lived, enjoyed and discussed.

All the Queens Men and the LGBTI community are building and sharing artistic and social endeavours to bring elders of the LGBTI community into the foreground. Our LGBTI elders are not merely representatives of their sexual community but participants in life and have opinions and views to express on everything that takes their interest, politics and beyond.

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For the last few years there has been a monthly dance club for LGBTI Elders, which helped establish mutual trust in organising The Coming Back Out Ball, the first of its kind in Australia. The power of change lies in strengthening these ties. Teamwork and collaboration builds confidence and friendships, people are driven by responsibility to one another and the audience. Participation is the key to positive mental health.
The events themselves harness bubbling energy for elderly members of our society, helping them to step up and step out, Tristan brings art to the people and gives people a platform to be heard, ultimately assisting them to create their own events through participatory development.


If you would like to be involved in the Dance Club or find out other goings on head to the All the Queens Men Facebook page Photos courtesy of the LGBTI Elders Dance Club and the New Moves High Tea

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