For many of us, there will come a time when we will need some level of additional care to help us continue to live happy and productive lives.
And whether this is home care or in some sort of assisted living facility, the Australian Government recognises the additional financial strain this places on many families and may help cover a portion of the costs on a range of aged care services based on your level of need.
Your GP, social worker, hospital discharge planner or other advisor might recommend that you get an Aged Care Assessment. The assessment is to work out if you are eligible for financial assistance for home care or residential aged care.
It’s basically a conversation in your own home with healthcare professionals (known as an Aged Care Assessment Team, or ACAT). Despite the name making them sound like they’re an elite force from an action movie, it’ll just be a couple of caring health and community work professionals; it’s not scary at all.
The Aged Care Assessment is free and can help you access:
● Commonwealth aged care packages
● Home and community care packages
● Post-operation care services, including transition care
● Residential and home respite care services
● Residential aged care services
You also need an assessment before you can put your name down on residential aged care waiting lists.
Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 to arrange your Aged Care Assessment.
You might need to wait around 12 weeks for your assessment, so the sooner you get onto it, the better.
More about funding support for home care
More about funding support for residential aged care

Get financial advice and guidance for transitioning family members to an aged care facility
Clarity Aged Care Advisors, in partnership with DailyCare