DailyCare journey- Photo of a silhouette of a man swinging his two children at sunset at the beach

The DailyCare Journey

The care journey is about giving you an easy and reliable way to find aged care solutions that are right for you and your family.

Most people don’t know where to look for care or how to assess if a caregiver is right for them. DailyCare solves this problem and helps you find care at home options and care accommodation that suit your unique care needs.
And if you think you are not ready to start on the care journey, here are some steps to take before you need care.

Step 1: Begin a care summary

How it works

When you create a care summary we find out what your unique situation is and what kind of care you’re looking for. We listen to you first, then provide the answers.

Based on what you’ve told us, we will match you with a range of services to suit your aged care needs and provide important information to help you evaluate your options, such as provider features and associated costs. The range of services we can help you find include post-op care, respite care, home and community care and residential aged care facilities such as aged care homes.

When you create your care summary you can edit, save, add to it over time, and share your thoughts on your care options via email with family and friends. You can also start care summaries for family member or friends if they can’t themselves. It’s quick, easy and will transform their care experience.

Why it’s important

Creating a care summary helps alleviate the confusion, stress and frustration around finding the right aged care options. It helps you plan the next move so you can get your finances in order and involve family members in the important decision making.

Using our care summary also takes the stress out of making choices in times of emergency. We’ve already done the hard work. All you have to do is simply tell us what you want and we’ll match you with the best and closest aged care options within seconds.

Ready? To find care, simply start a care summary now and we’ll help you navigate your options.

Or if you’d like to know more about how the different aged care options compare, see our run through of the different Aged Care Services that are available.

Step 2: Get assessed

If your choice is to use a private care provider then you can access that at any time. But if you are interested in exploring public care options that are part-funded by the government, you will first need to be assessed, a process that reviews the level of care you need, and lets you know the amount of financial support the Government will provide. While the assessment process is underway we can help you create a shortlist of care services that could suit your unique needs.

Step 3: Information that may help you

Once you have a shortlist of care options in place, we'll guide you through the next steps with helpful tips and information on aged care services just when you need it. These include detailed checklists that will help you plan for post-op care, respite care, home and community care or for when you might be considering moving into an aged care home (previously called nursing home).

Need to talk to someone? You can contact us here.